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alt key code plus minus

alt key code plus minus

alt key code plus minus. keyCode read-only property represents a system and implementation characters, especially those input with the Shift or Alt key pressed. DOM VK PLUS, 0xAB (171), Plus ( ) key. DOM VK PIPE, 0xAC (172), Pipe ( ) key. DOM VK HYPHEN MINUS, 0xAD (173), Hyphen-US/docs/Minus ( - ) key. keycode 0 keycode 1 Escape Escape alt keycode 1 Meta Escape keycode plus alt keycode 2 Meta one alt shift keycode 2 Meta exclam keycode 3 Meta zero keycode 12 minus underscore 0x0a2 0x0f8 control keycode 12  ALT Codes for letters with accents Uppercase Lowercase Alt Codes Alt 0192 À Alt 0224 Alt 241 ± Plus or Minus . Alt 35 Hash / Pound Key in numeric order. You can combine any of the codes with a modifier key to create a hot key. VK MENU, 12, ALT key VK SUBTRACT, 6D, Subtract key. ‹ HTML Character Codes › Ctrl D bookmarks me ) ›Main ›ASCII codes ›ALT codes HTML codes for special characters. Search a symbol (CTRL F) and type a Both events have a key attribute that is a integer id representing every key on the shift and composition keys. scancode represents the platform specific key code. K PLUS plus sign K COMMA , comma K MINUS - minus sign K PERIOD left alt K RMETA right meta K LMETA left meta K LSUPER left windows key  Double click a code to open the edit screen for that feature. To select quickly from menus, tap and release the Alt key, then press the underlined letters.. by screen, seeing every line, use the plus/minus keys ( /-) on the numeric keypad. How to calculate keyCode for keydown and keyup events key, virtual key code. Backspace, 8. Tab, 9. Enter, 13. Shift, 16. Control, 17. Alt, 18 Plus ( ), 187. can find the Alt Codes for math symbols like basic operators (equal, plus, minus, from different domains visit the page with the complete List of Alt Key Codes  What are the virtual key codes for Field Plus and Field Minus for AS/400 connection What are the virtual key codes for Field Plus and Field Minus

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